Spiaggia Tropea

Discover the charm of Calabria, Italy, with its rugged landscapes, pristine beaches, and rich cultural heritage. Experience authentic Italian culture away from the crowds.

Welcome to our comprehensive travel guide to Calabria, a region renowned for its rugged landscapes, pristine beaches, and rich cultural heritage. Situated in the “toe” of Italy’s boot-shaped peninsula, Calabria is a destination that promises an authentic Italian experience off the beaten tourist paths. In this guide, we’ll explore the best that Calabria has to offer, from its climate and culinary delights to its top attractions and stunning beaches.

Exploring the Beauty of Calabria

The Climate of Calabria: The Best Times to Visit

Calabria enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The best time to visit is from May to October, when the weather is warm and sunny, perfect for beach activities and exploring the outdoors. Whether you’re looking to bask in the summer sun or enjoy the quieter, cooler months, Calabria’s climate is accommodating for all types of travellers.

Where is Calabria


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Calabria is located in the southern part of Italy, bordered by the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west and the Ionian Sea to the east. This geographical position makes it a unique region with a coastline that offers varied landscapes and countless opportunities for visitors.

Visit the beauties of Calabria with Italo

How to Get to Calabria

Reaching Calabria is convenient with Italo train services that connect the major Italian cities to the region’s hubs. Travellers can also fly into Lamezia Terme International Airport, which serves as a central point for international and domestic flights. Once in Calabria, the extensive local transport options, including trains, buses, and car rentals, make it easy to explore the region at your own pace.

Savouring Calabria: A Culinary Journey

Calabria is a haven for food lovers. The region’s cuisine reflects its rich history and cultural influences with a strong emphasis on spicy and robust flavours. Staple ingredients like olive oil, garlic, and peperoncino (red chili pepper) play a central role in many dishes.

Signature dishes include ‘nduja, a spicy, spreadable pork sausage, and Caciocavallo cheese. Don’t miss the opportunity to try the local pastries like Tartufo di Pizzo, a must-have ice cream dessert originating from Pizzo.

Must-Visit Attractions in Calabria: Activities and Sightseeing

Calabria offers a blend of activities for history buffs, nature lovers, and adventure seekers. Key attractions include the Bronzi di Riace at the National Museum of Magna Graecia in Reggio Calabria, and the ancient ruins of Sybaris.

The region’s national parks, like Sila and Aspromonte, are perfect for hiking, biking, and observing the diverse flora and fauna.

The Best Beaches in Calabria


Tropea Beach: The Pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea

Tropea Beach stands out for its striking natural beauty. The white sandy beach contrasts vividly with the dramatic red cliffs that loom overhead, creating a breathtaking panorama.

Above, the old town of Tropea offers a charming array of historical architecture, bustling with cafes and quaint shops. This beach is not just a place to relax but also a cultural hub, reflecting centuries of history and Italian coastal life. Its waters are ideal for swimming, diving, and experiencing the enchanting marine life of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

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Capo Vaticano: Crystal Clear Waters and Breathtaking Views

Capo Vaticano is a paradise for nature lovers, offering some of the clearest waters in Calabria, ideal for underwater exploration. The area’s rich marine biodiversity attracts snorkelers and divers eager to encounter a variety of sea life amidst the stunning underwater landscapes. The promontory also provides spectacular sunsets, making it a perfect spot for evening relaxation.

Scilla Beach: Between Myth and Beauty

Scilla Beach, steeped in the legend of the sea monster Scylla from Homer’s Odyssey, enchants visitors with its mythical allure. This picturesque village is dotted with colourful fishermen’s houses and dominated by the imposing Ruffo Castle, perched on the headland.

The beach itself, with its smooth pebbles and clear waters, invites visitors for relaxation and contemplation, making it a captivating blend of history, myth, and serene natural beauty, perfect for both reflective solitude and family outings.

Praia a Mare: The Cedar Coast

Praia a Mare, on the Cedar Coast, captivates with its expansive sandy shore and the dramatic silhouette of Isola di Dino off the coast. This nearby island, accessible by boat, features fascinating sea caves like the Grotta Azzurra (Blue Cave), renowned for its glowing blue waters. The beachfront itself is a popular destination for both relaxation and adventure, offering water sports and scenic coastal walks, where visitors can enjoy the natural beauty and refreshing Tyrrhenian breezes.

Soverato: The Jewel of the Ionian Coast

Soverato is a vibrant hub on the Ionian Sea, often bustling with tourists and locals alike. Its pristine, clear waters make it ideal for swimming and water sports, while the lively promenade is lined with a plethora of bars, restaurants, and clubs, offering exciting nightlife. The town’s vibrant atmosphere is complemented by beautiful landscapes and cultural events throughout the summer, making Soverato a must-visit for those seeking both relaxation and entertainment on the Calabrian coast.

Visit the beauties of Calabria with Italo

Isola di Capo Rizzuto: Sea, History, and Nature

Isola di Capo Rizzuto, enveloped by one of Italy’s largest marine protected areas, is a treasure trove of biodiversity and historical intrigue. The crystal-clear waters safeguard a rich array of marine species and submerged archaeological remains, offering a unique snorkelling and diving experience.

On land, the area is marked by ancient watchtowers and ruins that narrate tales of past civilisations. This blend of natural and historical wealth makes Isola di Capo Rizzuto a fascinating destination for eco-tourists and history enthusiasts alike.

Caminia Beach: A Hidden Corner of Paradise

Caminia Beach offers a serene retreat nestled between towering cliffs that provide a natural shelter, creating an intimate atmosphere. The secluded beach’s crystal-clear waters are an invitation to swimming and snorkelling, revealing underwater vistas rarely seen by the bustling tourist crowds.

Its remote location and the surrounding rugged landscape make Caminia an ideal spot for those looking to disconnect and immerse themselves in nature’s quiet beauty. This hidden gem is a true paradise for those in search of peace and pristine natural environments.

Visit the beauties of Calabria with Italo

Le Castella: Turquoise Waters and Ancient Fortresses

Le Castella is captivating, not only for its turquoise waters but also for the striking Aragonese fortress that dominates the landscape. This historic fortress adds a dramatic touch to the scenic beach, making it a picturesque location for both relaxation and exploration. Visitors can enjoy the unique combination of natural beauty and historical architecture, all while soaking in the sun on this idyllic Calabrian coast.

Diamante: The City of Murals and Enchanted Beaches

Diamante enchants visitors with its dual allure of pristine beaches and vivid street art. The town’s murals transform the streets into an open-air gallery, blending artistic culture with the natural beauty of its coastlines.

This unique fusion creates a visually stunning environment that enhances the traditional beach experience, inviting tourists to explore both the natural landscapes and the creative expressions of local and visiting artists.

Visit the beauties of Calabria with Italo

Zambrone Beach: Clear Waters and White Sand

Zambrone Beach is renowned for its dazzling white sands and crystal-clear waters, offering unobstructed views of the Aeolian Islands. This serene setting is perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and simply enjoying the tranquil maritime landscape. The expansive beach provides a peaceful retreat where visitors can relax or stroll along the shore, absorbing the panoramic vistas and the soothing sounds of the waves.