Sumptuous houses covered with mosaics, mysterious frescoes, and plaster casts. Amidst drama and splendor – what to see in Pompeii, reliving its history.

Like nowhere else in the world, a sense of tragedy and beauty coexist in Pompeii: its archaeological excavations are, not surprisingly, among the most visited and fascinating sites in Italy.

Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site together with the ruins of Herculaneum, the Archaeological Park also includes the sites of Boscoreale and Oplonti in Torre Annunziata. It is accessible all year round (except 1 January, 1 May, and Christmas), with admissions until 6 pm and 3.30 pm (in the April-October and November-March periods, respectively). Tickets can be purchased online or directly at the park. To check opening hours, we recommend you contact the information office at +39 081 8575347.

Cosa vedere a Pompei i 5 scavi archeologici da non perdere - Palestra grande

@ Per cortese concessione del Parco Archeologico di Pompei – Ph: Pier Paolo Metelli

But what is there to do when you arrive? Here is what to see in Pompeii to relive the history of this ancient city overwhelmed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.

House of the Faun

The Casa del Fauno (House of the Faun) stands out as one of the most luxurious residences in Pompeii, thus named for the statue of a satyr positioned in the center of the rainwater collection basin.

To give you an idea of the splendor of this building, just think that its floor revealed the famous Alexander mosaic consisting of about 1.5 million tiles; it depicts the battle between Darius III of Persia and Alexander the Great.

Orto dei Fuggiaschi – Garden of the Fugitives

The plaster casts of theOrto dei Fuggiaschi provide a plastic representation of the drama of Pompeii: it is here, that many bodies of the victims fleeing from the eruption were found, adults and children caught in the last gestures of life and immobile in their original position.

Cosa vedere a Pompei i 5 scavi archeologici da non perdere - Prospettiva

@ Per cortese concessione del Parco Archeologico di Pompei

The Lupanar of Pompeii

You will be very impressed by the contrasts of Pompeii: what to visit to get an authentic glimpse of its daily life? One of its most popular attractions, the Lupanar is the ancient city’s most notable brothel and is decorated with striking erotic art paintings.

Villa dei Misteri

If you are traveling in Campania would like to return to Pompeii, what would you like to see to relive the emotion of the first time? Undoubtedly, the Villa dei Misteri; it was recently reopened to the public after a significant restoration. The charm of his frescoes, mysterious and emblematic, is even stronger today!

Cosa vedere a Pompei i 5 scavi archeologici da non perdere - Triclinio Villa dei Misteri

@ Per cortese concessione del Parco Archeologico di Pompei – Ph: Pier Paolo Metelli

Temple of Apollo

Along with the Doric temple, the Temple of Apollo is counted among the main religious centers of Pompeii and is one of the historic site’s oldest buildings. It was adorned with statues, such as that of Apollo the Archer, the original of which is preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Naples.

To Pompeii with Italo + Itabus

Are you passionate about ancient history and archaeology? To discover Italy’s most exciting sites, you don’t need to embark on a whirlwind journey in Indiana Jones style! Simply use the connections to Rome, Naples, Salerno and the cities served by Italo high-speed rail. Among the most interesting itineraries, we recommend, for example, the site of Paestum, a three-day itinerary through the Roman antiquities in the Capital, and the splendid Matera, European capital of culture in 2019.

You can easily reach Pompeii by taking one of the many trains to Naples and then catching one of the daily runs departing from there to the destination of the bus terminal located in Piazza Falcone e Borsellino. Buy the new Italo High-Speed Train + Itabus coach travel solutions directly in one ticket on


Cover photo @ Parco Archeologico di Pompei